Which birds have the most air miles? Are adders born venomous?Springwatch Unsprung brings together all the most-asked questions from the surprise hit BBC 2 TV spin-off of the same name. The heart of the book is what has become the star of the TV programme - the viewers' anecdotes and questions.Many seemingly simple questions turn out to have complex answers, and some that seem difficult have a very simple explanation. All wildlife questions - be they trivial, idiosyncratic, baffling or strange - are covered, making this compilation equally as entertaining and enlightening as it is educational. Arranged by season, the book allows people to discover what is going on around them at any particular time of year.The book is peppered with elements from the Unsprung TV programme such as quizzes, wildlife suggestions for each season, and practical ideas of how to preserve wildlife in your garden.Each seasonal section comprises:A short introduction to the season including what the wildlife-watcher might expect to see at this time of yearQuestions and answers drawing on the latest research, but translated by the Springwatch experts.Quizzes - simple, mostly multiple choice questions e.g. who collects the most air miles? Spring sees the arrival of many of our migrant birds but which travels the furthest?What You Can Do - suggestions of seasonal activities including top tips on how to help wildlife at any given time of year, plus 3 or 4 things to make and do. e.g. helping your hogs - what and how to feed hedgehogs and what to do if you find an underweight one that should be hibernating.Springwatch Unsprung will entertain, inform and empower anyone interested in British wildlife.
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